Welcome to Joie de Vivre 11
Meticulous attention to every detail to turn the event you dreamed of into a fabulous occasion.
She always manages to make the people who deal with her in business feel like members of an extended family.
- Todd Seavey, Editor/Writer, New York, NY
I wanted to be sure that you know how helpful your wedding advice was! (To refresh your memory - at the CRD party, you gave me advice about my wedding) and you said to remember that it is MY day and to above all, enjoy, and if something goes wrong, that's fine and to remember that the wedding cannot begin until the bride is ready! I loved thinking this way and I remembered it all and how charmingly you advised me! So, thank you. You made a difference - a very nice difference. Your advice kept me calm.
- Rita, Houston, Texas
Joie de Vivre 11, Joy of Life 11 and JDV11 are service marks of Maria P. Gray.